day 1: so outside my room, there's a patch of dirt that's covered in rocks and dry grass, i decided to take some rocks off and plant any plant i like very close together and see what happens!
i picked a clover patch from my mom's greenhouse, i also took an agonizing celery bit, a chunk of dirt with grass on it and a random pretty plant i found somewhere lol.
i found a nice hole where a rock had been and i put all the plants there, collected a bit of dirt other holes and the one i brought with the grass. i watered the whole chunk and left.
day 8: so this week rained a lot so i didn't water the garden almost none of the days. the celery looks so dead that i gave up on it. the clovers look sad but still standing. the other two plants look okay. i took off more rocks and a worm and two rolycolies, which i let stay.
during the week, the morning after a rainy night, i see a bunch of slugs around. i also let these stay.
somewhere in september lol
month 1: well, i forgot to note this but the clovers are doing great, the grass and the other plant settled well too, the celery is nowhere to be seen. there's now a plant of strawberry that probably came with the chunk of dirt from the greenhouse, since our greehouse has strawberries that grew against our will.
i stole oregano from my mom's greenhouse and planted it in my garden, i also stole all the bad beans that float when we soaked them to make bean stew and threw them around.
i took off more rocks, now there's only big ones. i discovered many bugs including a harvester nest, a bug my dad hates, since he's afraid of arachnids, two black flatworms, a regular worm, three rolycolies, and a slug.
the big patch of clovers seem to be dying, but other smaller clover stems are growing and sprouting. the strawberries were eaten, i hope the stems still grow and survive. the beans got rotten and none of them sprouted, the oregano is growing up a lot and in general there's a lot of grass. there was plenty of grass in the beginning, but it was mostly dry and ugly. i didn't take it all out because i wanna try to keep as many plants in the garden as possible.
my friend's dad gave me three aloe vera plants, which i planted in a pot, not in the garden. i heard they seldom have to be watered, but they looked kinda dry so i watered them anyways. i think it was a big mistake since now they look brown and half dead lmao. one of the three looks green, at least. there was a peach seed in the pot that i didn't pay any mind and it has now sprouted, i will plant it somewhere that's not directly next to my room.
i found two plants with small pink flowers: one of them was a clover species and the other one i don't know. since there was just one clover i didn't grab it, but the other plant was plentiful so i grabbed one and planted it in my garden. i wanna have many kinds of clover (in my yard there's a species with yellow flowers and another one with white pompom flowers), and many little colorful flowers. i want to have pansies and forgetmenots, those are so fun.
i also sowed three seeds i stole from my mom: basil, zuchinni and pumpkin.